Papablic Breastfeeding 101: Tips and Tricks for New Mothers

Breastfeeding 101: Tips and Tricks for New Mothers

Breastfeeding is an essential part of caring for a newborn. It provides all the nutrients and immune-boosting properties necessary for your baby's growth and development and promotes bonding between you and your little one. In this article, we'll cover some common breastfeeding tips and specific operation methods to help you have a successful and comfortable breastfeeding journey.

The Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a vital way to provide your baby with the nutrients and antibodies they need to grow and develop in the early stages of life. Breast milk contains all the necessary nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, that babies need for healthy growth and development. In addition, breast milk is rich in antibodies that help protect your baby from infections and diseases, making it the best food choice for your baby.

While breastfeeding is a natural process, it can be challenging for some mothers to get started. There are many things to consider when breastfeeding, including proper positioning and latching, understanding your baby's feeding cues and taking care of your nipples. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know to feel confident in breastfeeding your newborn.

12 Tips to Successful Breastfeeding

From finding the right breastfeeding position to tips for storing breast milk, we've got you covered.

1. Start early

The WHO recommends early breastfeeding initiation within 1 hour of birth.

  • Promotes bonding: Breastfeeding creates a special bond between the mother and the baby, helping to establish emotional attachment and closeness.
  • Stimulates milk production: Breastfeeding soon after delivery stimulates the release of hormones that promote milk production, which helps ensure an adequate milk supply for the baby.
  • Reduces risk of complications: Breastfeeding soon after delivery can help reduce the risk of postpartum bleeding, uterine infections, and other complications for the mother.
2. Positioning

The right position for breastfeeding is important for both the mother and the baby. It can impact the baby's ability to latch on properly, which can affect milk transfer and cause discomfort for the mother.

  • Hold your baby close to your body, with their head and neck in a straight line, and support their back with your arm. This will ensure a comfortable and effective feeding.
  • Position your baby in a comfortable feeding position, such as the cradle hold or football hold to support your baby's head and neck with one hand and their body with the other hand.
3. Latching

Latching refers to the way a baby attaches to the breast during breastfeeding. A good latch helps the baby get enough milk and prevents nipple soreness.

To ensure a good latch, make sure that your baby's mouth is wide open and covers as much of the areola as possible, not just the nipple. If you feel discomfort, gently insert your finger into your baby's mouth to break the suction and reposition your baby's mouth to cover more of the areola.

4. Frequency

Breastfeed your baby whenever they show signs of hunger, such as rooting, sucking on their hands, or smacking their lips. Don’t wait until your baby cries to put him to your breast. Newborns typically need to breastfeed at least 8 to 12 times per day, or about every 2-3 hours, as their small stomachs require frequent feedings to receive the nutrients and energy they need to grow and develop.

5. Balanced diet

Breastfeeding mothers should aim to eat a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of foods from all food groups, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and dairy products. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, and try to get as much rest as possible, especially during the first few weeks after giving birth.

It's generally safe for breastfeeding mothers to consume moderate amounts of alcohol, but excessive consumption (over 30mg/dl, or 0.03%)  can be harmful to the baby's developing brain. If you do happen to have the occasional drink, wait two to three hours or use an Alcohol Test Strip to certain whether alcohol has passed through your system before breastfeeding. 

Papablic Breastmilk Alcohol Test Strips

Only 2 Minutes waiting, you can know for certain whether alcohol has passed through your system and it’s safe to nurse again.

✔ No need to pump and dump

✔ Easy to use—Dip and read! 

✔ Highly sensitive & 99.9% accuracy

✔ Safety guaranteed

6. Care your nipples

Experiencing nipple pain during breastfeeding can be a challenging and painful experience for many new moms and can make it difficult to continue breastfeeding. Here are some tips for caring your nipples:

  • Keep the nipples clean: Wash your nipples gently with warm water and mild soap, and rinse well before and after each feeding.
  • Air dry: Allow your nipples to air dry after each feeding, as moisture can contribute to soreness and cracking.
  • Apply lanolin or nipple cream: A lanolin-based cream or nipple cream can help to soothe sore nipples and prevent cracking.
  • Use breast pads: Disposable or washable breast pads can help to absorb any milk leakage and keep your nipples dry.
  • Avoid harsh soaps and lotions: Harsh soaps, lotions, and perfumes can irritate the nipples, so it's best to avoid them.
  • Change nursing positions: Experiment with different nursing positions to find one that is comfortable and doesn't put too much pressure on your nipples.
7. Alternate breasts during feeding

Breastfeed your baby on one breast for about 10-15 minutes, or until they stop actively nursing. Then, switch to the other breast and repeat. This can help ensure that both breasts are fully emptied and can prevent breast engorgement or uneven milk supply.

8. Consider using a pump

Breastfeeding is a wonderful way to bond with your baby, but sometimes it can be challenging, especially if you need to return to work, be away from your baby or have difficulty latching. A breast pump can be a lifesaver for many new moms, as it allows them to collect and store their breast milk for later use, relieve engorgement or pain, and maintain their milk supply. 

Here are some tips for using a breast pump:

  • Choose a pump that fits your needs and budget, whether it's a manual or electric pump.
  • Find a comfortable and private place to pump, where you can relax and let down your milk.
  • Use the right size breast shields, which should fit comfortably around your nipple and areola.
  • Clean and sterilize your pump parts after each use, and store your milk properly in a clean container.
  • Warm up your breastmilk before use.

Avoid using the microwave to warm up breast milk, as it can heat unevenly, which may burn your baby's mouth and sacrifice the valuable nutrients of breast milk. Try warming up the milk in a bowl of warm water or an easier way, a bottle warmer.

Papablic Ultra-fast Bottle Warmer

Keep breastmilk at a constant temperature and make your nighttime feeding easier. Add some water, select your warming mode and timing, then the bottle warmer does the rest!

✔ Steady warming mode

✔ 5-In-1 function

✔ Safe for use

✔ Fit most brands of bottles

9. Sterilize the bottles

When a baby drinks from a bottle, any bacteria that may be present on the bottle or nipple can enter the baby's mouth and potentially cause illness. Additionally, newborn babies have an immature immune system and are more vulnerable to infections, making it even more important to keep their feeding equipment clean and sanitized.

Sterilizing the bottles removes harmful bacteria and helps prevent infections such as thrush, which can be painful for both mom and baby.

Papablic Baby Bottles Sterilizer and Dryer

Clean your bottles with penetrating steam hotter than the dishwasher and dry the safe way with hot air. Completely Clean your baby bottles in 8 minutes!

✔ Clean up to 11 bottles and accessories.

✔ 3-in-1 function: sterilize, dry, and extra dry.

✔ Stay sterile for up to 12 hours.

✔ Easy to use.

10. Burp your baby after each feeding

When babies feed, they tend to swallow air along with their milk, which can cause discomfort and make them fussy or gassy. Burping allows the air to escape, relieving the pressure on the baby's tummy and reducing the risk of spit-up and reflux.

To burp your baby, hold them upright against your shoulder or sit them upright on your lap. Gently pat or rub their back in a circular motion, being careful not to press too hard or bounce them too vigorously.

11. Mix feeding if you need to

Yes, you can do both at the same time. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one out of three breastfeeding mothers in the United States supplements her breast milk with formula by the time her baby reaches 6 months.

Introducing formula doesn't necessarily signal that your nursing days are coming to a close anytime soon. If you are not making enough milk, or need to leave your baby, you can consider mix feeding, which can help ensure your baby is getting the nutrients they need while still maintaining the bonding experience of breastfeeding. 

*Please note: The decision to start mix feeding should be made based on individual circumstances and after consultation with a healthcare provider or lactation consultant.

12. Breastfeeding in public

Women have a right to breastfeed outside of their homes. Remember that it is legal and encouraged in many places. If you feel uncomfortable, you can use a breastfeeding cover or find a quiet, private location.

When you're breastfeeding outside, it's important to ensure that both you and your baby are comfortable. Choose a location with shade and bring plenty of water to stay hydrated. Wear comfortable, loose clothing that allows for easy breastfeeding access. Additionally, be aware of your surroundings and choose a location where you feel safe.

If you're planning a day out with your baby, consider bringing a cooler bag or mini bottle warmer to keep your breast milk at the right temperature.

Mini Portable Travel Baby Bottle Warmer

Simply pour hot water into the warmer and seal the top. Water stays hot all day. When feeding time arrives, all you need to do is pour water into the bottle warmer and immerse baby bottles or food.

✔ BPA free

✔ Portable design

✔ No electricity needed

✔ Fit all standard bottles


Breastfeeding is a beautiful and important journey that requires patience, dedication, and love. Remember that every mother and baby's breastfeeding journey is unique, and there may be challenges along the way. Seek help from a lactation consultant or healthcare provider if you encounter any difficulties. They can provide you with personalized advice and support.

Lastly, enjoy the bonding experience that breastfeeding can provide. The closeness and intimacy between you and your baby during breastfeeding can be a special and cherished time that you will both remember for years to come.
